Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chapter 2: Candice

My hand gripped empty air. I started with disbelief. How? How could this happen? How did it happen? The questions raced through my head. You see I am a time traveller. Yes, you heard me right, a time traveller. With my sister, usually. But this time...

"No." I whispered. I couldn't believe it.

Ever since we were children me and my sister time travelled. It started when we were just 6, but apparently that's normal; to show magic at such a young age that is. We always travelled together. This is all too weird.

I began to observe the world around me. By the looks of it it was the distant future. I began to wander. I seemed to be in some kind of town square. It was busy, a bit overcrowded for my taste at least. Clean, it was very clean. No garbage or anything. Also very natural. Plants and stuff. I looked up. There, thousands of meters up were the highways of this future world. Hovercrafts, stuff I didn't even have names for. Buildings towering so high above me that I couldn't see how they hadn't fallen over yet (the clouds moving in the breeze made them look like they were swaying).

My head spun, as I relized I was very, very far in the future.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chapter 1: Lyra

If you can read this, DO NOT STOP READING! It is very important that you read this. It could mean the continuation of your world. Yes, your world. I'm not in it, but I could be.

You see, my name is Lyra Conlan, I have a twin sister named Candice and we can travel through time. Yes, I do mean exactly what I said. We change time periods sometimes, less so now, but we did a lot more when we were younger. I don’t have much time to explain it, but we’re a little bit unusual, but not overly so. Because we’re identical twins, we’re supposedly more powerful than the typical time traveling mage, but we’re not in the really high magic power levels. Time travel is actually one of the types of magic that uses the least amount of power, so time travellers do have some of the lowest amount of power of all the mages. Even the Divination mages have higher power levels. Of course, peering into the future does take a lot of power, but they’re sometimes pushed away as hoaxes.

Anyway, as I said before, I’m Lyra Conlan and I can travel through time, with my sister. We’re actually pretty good at it, and I was always a pretty big history nerd so it is really cool. When I was with my sister, but then I accidentally traveled (we refer to it as popping usually) without Candice. And she traveled without me. And then it got scary.

Magic has actually been pretty open in our world, for the most part. There were a century or two that it was a very ‘taboo’ thing but for the most part we’ve been accepted as people with ‘Special Powers’. I think it helps that there are almost as many people born with magic (though I don’t like to call it that) as without. Personally, my (and Candice’s) parents aren’t mages, but they have higher trace amounts of the ‘Power’ as it’s called. So when we pop we don’t have to worry much about it. Unless we end up in one of those centuries.

Before, we went to modal (read: normal, non-mage) school, but after we started popping we got moved to the mage school that’s in our town. We’re really lucky. Not many people have time traveling powers but there are a fair few of us in the world. We were really lucky because a lot of people have to live away from home to go to school, and learn to control them so they don’t randomly pop away, but we had a mage in our town that was willing to teach us, Maulsibare Henrik. He’s really strict, but he can also be really nice.
Just to clarify, technically time traveling people are called “Aetas” mages, but I think that it’s a bit formal for us teens. We’re not even fully trained so it would be really weird for us.

But truthfully, you don’t really care about this or me. You want to know why it is so imperative that you read this. And I’ll answer it.

Because of what happened next.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Welcome to Letters Make Words!!!

Hello there. Lily and Bethany here (except only Bethany is typing and deciding what is written... I HAVE THE POWER!!!)

We're called a lot of things, but we really want to be called published writers. So we welcome you to our blog like thing where there will be a story for you to read, hopefully. If you want to know more about us, you can visit our blog:

So have fun and read on. While we figure out what exactly we are writing about.